Friday, June 3, 2011

Sports Turf: Science, Construction and Maintenance

Author(s):     V.I. Stewart
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Date: 1993-11-01    
Format: PDF    
Language: English    
ISBN10: 0419149503    
Pages: 304    

A detailed, practical guide (with the backing of the main UK authorities) to the construction and maintenance of sports grounds.

Guided Explorations of the Mechanics of Solids and Structures (Cambridge Aerospace Series)

Author(s):     James F. Doyle
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Date: 2009-09-21    
ISBN10: 0521896789    
Pages: 460
Quality: excellent    

This book tackles the question, How can an engineer with a powerful finite element program but modest background knowledge of mechanics solve unfamiliar problems? Engineering educators will find this book to be a new and exciting approach to helping students engage with complex ideas. Practicing engineers who use finite element methods to solve problems in solids and structures will extend the range of problems they can solve as well as accelerate their learning on new problems. This book's special strengths include: • A thoroughly modern approach to learning and understanding mechanics problems • Comprehensive coverage of a large collection of problems ranging from static to dynamic and from linear to nonlinear, applied to a variety of structures and components • Accompanying software that is sophisticated and versatile and is available for free from the book's Web site • Ability to complement any standard finite element textbook

Analysis of Concrete Structures by Fracture Mechanics: Proceedings of a RILEM Workshop dedicated to Professor Arne Hillerborg, Abisko, Sweden 1989 (Rilem Proceedings)

Author(s):     L. Elfgren
Publisher: Spon Press
Format: pdf    
Language: English    
Pages: 320    
Quality: excellent    
ISBN13: 9780412369803

This book presents the latest research findings of the fast developing applications of fracture mechanics to concrete structures. Key papers from leading experts in the field describe existing and new modelling techniques in the analysis of materials and structures. The book explains the practical application of fracture mechanics to structural modelling, bending, shear, bond and anchorage. The proceedings of this RILEM Workshop will be an important reference for those engaged in design, development, research and teaching in the field of concrete structures.

Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics II

Author(s):     Susan Gourvenec
Publisher: CRC Press
Date: 2010-10-05    
Format: pdf    
Language: English    
ISBN10: 0415584809    
Pages: 934    

Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics II comprises the Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), organised by the Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems (COFS) and held at the University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth from 8 – 10 November 2010. The volume addresses current and emerging challenges facing those working in offshore geotechnics, spanning construction, design and research. Keynote papers with authors from industry and academia describe the state-of-the-art of practice and theory. A further 117 peer-reviewed papers describe emerging research, new design techniques and recent case studies related to the frontiers of offshore geotechnical engineering. The themes of the papers include geohazards, gas hydrates, in situ site characterisation and pore pressure measurement, site investigation, soil characterisation, foundations for renewable energy, shallow foundations, jack-up units, piled foundations, anchoring systems, pipelines and risk and reliability. New and established design methods representing industry best practice are discussed alongside new construction technologies and emerging research ideas. Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics II provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art reference for professionals and researchers in offshore, civil and maritime engineering and for soil mechanics specialists. 

Blueprint Reading: Construction Drawings for the Building Trade

Author(s):     Sam Kubba
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
Format: PDF    
ISBN10: 0071549862    
Pages: 384    
ISBN13: 9780071549868

Improve Your Ability to Read and Interpret All Types of Construction Drawings

Blueprint Reading is a step-by-step guide to reading and interpreting all types of construction drawings. Filled with hundreds of illustrations and study questions, this easy-to-use resource offers a complete overview of construction drawing basics for every aspect of the construction process- from site work, foundations, and structural systems to interior work and finishes.

Covering all the latest technological advances, noted architect Sam Kubba offers detailed information on:
 * Blueprint standards-ANSI, ISO, AWS, and ASME
 * Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided design and drafting (CADD)
 * Lines, views, elevations, and dimensions
 * Layouts of all construction drawing types-architectural, structural, mechanical, and electrical
 * Specifications-MasterFormat and UniFormat
 * Symbols-materials, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and others
 * How to avoid costly pitfalls on construction projects

You'll also find a glossary of terms for quick reference, convenient tables and charts for identifying symbols and abbreviations, and much more.

Inside This Skills-Building Guide to Construction Drawing Basics • Blueprint Standards • Blueprints and Construction Drawings: A Universal Language • Understanding Lines • Types of Views • Understanding Dimensions • Layout of Construction Drawings • Understanding Industrial Blueprints • The Meaning of Symbols • Understanding Schedules • Specifications • ISO Issues, Codes, and Building Regulations • Construction Business Environment

In Search of Sustainability

Author(s):     Jenny Goldie, Bryan Furnass and Bob Douglas
Date: 2004-12-01    
Format: pdf    
Language: English    
ISBN10: 0643090622    
Pages: 200    
OCR: Y    
ISBN13: 9780643090620

What must we do to achieve a sustainable society? There is no one answer. The first steps towards sustainability cover a whole spectrum of economic, social and environmental issues.

In this volume Australian leaders from a wide range of fields discuss the key issues we must address if we are to move towards a more just and sustainable future. They identify the major concerns and challenges for achieving sustainability in the areas of:

human health
 water resources
 land use and natural ecosystems
 equity and peace
 economic systems
 climate change
 labour forces and work
 urban design and transport

Achieving sustainability will require major changes in our current approaches. The thought-provoking chapters in this book provide a solid introduction to the issues in the search for a genuine path to sustainability.

Foundation Engineering Handbook 2/E

Author(s):     Robert Day
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
Date: 2010-08-12    
Language: English    
ISBN10: 0071740090    
Pages: 1008
ISBN13: 9780071740098

A fully up-to-date, practical guide to foundation engineering

Revised to cover the 2009 International Building Code, Foundation Engineering Handbook, Second Edition presents basic geotechnical field and laboratory studies, such as subsurface exploration and laboratory testing of soil, rock, and groundwater samples. The book then discusses the geotechnical aspects of foundation engineering, including conditions commonly encountered by design engineers--settlement, expansive soil, and slope stability. Details on the performance or engineering evaluation of foundation construction and the application of the 2009 International Building Code are included in this valuable resource.

 * Subsurface exploration
 * Laboratory testing
 * Soil mechanics
 * Shallow and deep foundations
 * Bearing capacity and settlement of foundations
 * Foundations on expansive soil
 * Slope stability
 * Retaining walls
 * Foundation deterioration and cracking
 * Geotechnical earthquake engineering for soils, foundations, and retaining walls
 * Grading and other soil improvement methods
 * Foundation excavation, underpinning, and field load tests
 * Geosynthetics and instrumentation
 * 2009 International Building Code regulations for soils and foundations